Super Therm gives some extra time for help to arrive in case of fire.
Better science reveals a way to protect you and your home from fire and other weather events by using a coating technology Super Therm®.
UL, Factory Mutual and NASA performed fire rating and subsequent toxicity test on Super Therm®. The “Flame Spread Index” and “Smoke Spread Index” was “0” (out of 100). That is the highest classification available, a class “A” fire resistance rating.
According to the report filed by NASA:
“Super Therm® rated excellent in absolutely no contribution to flame or fire. This is an unusual rating for any paint product as most will score from a low of 15 up to 88. The “A” classification is the highest classification that can be achieved. This result definitely shows the quality of Super Therm®. NASA is currently so impressed with Super Therm® that they are now establishing testing in additional areas of need for the space center”.
Everything will burn given enough heat. Super Therm® will provide a few extra minutes for you to either escape or get a fire extinguisher and call for help.
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