Super Therm® solar heat block coatings for residential use
Sound reduction on this Geelong home by an average of 40%. Photo: Suntraders Sustainable Solutions
Reduce energy costs and increase comfort by coating roofing and interior and exterior walls to keep heat in during winter or heat out during the summer
Protect swimming pool decking on concrete to provide a cool surface to sit and walk on
Reduces risk of condensation and corrosion on cold water pipes
Protect air conditioning unit outer casings to prevent reductions in efficiency due to heat build up inside the housing
To provide a fire-resistant coating for substrates. Super Therm® has a “0” fire and smoke spread and will not contribute to flame
Reduce energy costs and increase comfort by coating roofing and interior/exterior walls to keep heat out during summer.
Radiation is the emission or transmission of energy in the form of waves or particles through space or through a material medium, i.e. heat radiates through a material Wikipedia
Conduction the process by which heat is directly transmitted through the material of a substance when there is a difference of temperature between adjoining regions, without movement of the material.
Convection is the heat transfer due to bulk movement of molecules within fluids such as fluids. Heat always moves to cold which can lead to moisture levels building.
SAVING $ on utilities
Living in the Las Vegas Valley, the picturesque desert landscape demands one’s attention, but it seems more often than not, it’s the desert heat that is keeping Las Vegans indoors.
Super Therm® – 2008 temperatures in Las Vegas average 43.3°c in July. Adobe homes coated (roof and walls) with Super Therm® report up to 50 – 60% savings on the TOTAL utility bill.
One house (426 m2) has a utility bill of $103 for the month of July with swimming pool and five (5) freezers along with electronics running constantly.
House maintains temperature not over 27°c without air conditioning.Read more >
California Cool Roof Program
Super Therm®, unique properties, especially its ability to keep surfaces cool even in extreme temperatures, enabled the coating to pass muster in the California “COOL ROOF” engineering research program with the highest marks.